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Friday, June 15, 2012

Daniel 2:24-35

Have you ever asked God a difficult question?  One for which you did not have the answer?  How did that work for you?  Having found myself in a few puzzling situations over my lifetime, I have turned to God often. I ask for wisdom to discern truth, to solve mysteries, to get pointed in the right direction.  I know that God answers all my pleas for heavenly help.  I don't always recognize the answer right away, but God does answer.

I just love the way Daniel handled the Kings demand to have someone interpret him dream.  The king was preparing to have his wise men executed because they could not tell him what his dreams meant.  Daniel stepped in and offered to tell the king about his dream.  He was honest when the king asked if her could interpret the dream.  He told him outright, I cannot...

Daniel 2:28 (NIV)
 "...but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries."

Daniel had so much faith and trust in his God that he offered to help the king.  He knew his God would take care of this situation.  Daniel put his life in God's hands, assured that all would be well, God did not disappoint.

We too and be certain that our God will not disappoint us.  We only need call upon Him in prayer.  That is what Daniel did and look what wondrous things God did through His servant.

Read Daniel 2:24-35 here

Listen to Daniel 2:24-35 here

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