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Friday, June 29, 2012

Joshua 3:1-17

Joshua 3:5 (NIV) "Joshua told the people, "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you."

God did amazing things among them, parting the Jordan River much like He parted the Red Sea. This is yet another fascinating story of courage and mysterious happenings.  Once Joshua and his people prepared to take the first step into the Promised Land, God ushered them in with a triumphal fanfare. God used the crossing of the Jordan River to build up His people in the eyes of their enemies.  Their reputation preceded them as they entered their new land. Anyone who wanted to do them harm, would think twice.

God still does amazing things; and some of them as stupendous as parting the waters so His people could pass through.  Joshua prayed to God for help and guidance on his journey, and we too must be prayerful on our journey.  "God said to Joshua, "This very day I will begin to make you great in the eyes of all Israel. They'll see for themselves that I'm with you in the same way that I was with Moses." (Joshua 3:7)

The roads we travel during our lifetime will be different from the Israelite's path, but they will be filled with just as much uncertainty and trouble.  There will be times when only God can save us.  During those times we, like Joshua, will be compelled to turn to Him for understanding and for wisdom to select the right path.  

When co-workers and neighbors witness our faithfulness during these hard times, they will see that God is with us.  Perhaps they will even ask us about the hope we are clinging to and we can tell them all about it. Are you in the midst of a challenging path right now?  We would love to pray for you.  We hope you feel encouraged to share the burden you are carrying and allow us to pray for you.  You may comment below or email here.

Read Joshua 3:1-17 here

Listen to Joshua 3:1-17 here

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