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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Joshua 4:1-5:1

How do you remember milestones in your life, how do you keep memories of special events alive and meaningful? Those joyous days when a child is born, graduates or get married are ones we cherish in our hearts and our minds. Many of us take pictures, others write notes in a diary or journal. Still others tell the story often so details are not forgotten.

There are a few occurrences that are etched in our minds forever and we can recall just where we were and what we were doing when the experience occurred. There are those national news making incidents like when the space shuttle exploded, or 911; but there are also our own personal tragedies. I know I will always have the scene in my mind of the phone call I received from my brother the day my mom had a massive heart attack.

"When your children ask you, 'What are these stones to you?' you'll say, 'The flow of the Jordan was stopped in front of the Chest of the Covenant of God as it crossed the Jordan—stopped in its tracks. These stones are a permanent memorial for the People of Israel.'" (Joshua 4:6-7)

During the forty years the Chosen People roamed through the dessert in search of the Promised Land, there were a number of moments that were etched on their hearts forever. One of the first is the day God parted the Red Sea so the nation could cross to safety.  Another monumental memory would be Moses bringing the stone tablets, and we could go on and on because that is the kind of God we serve. He is always taking us places we never dreamed we would go.

Some of the sites he reveals to us are difficult to absorb, and change us forever.  While others fill us with such joy and help us to recognize what a mighty and powerful and loving God He is.  Take a few moments to examine your 'minds-eye' and bring into focus just how far God has taken you as you plod through your dessert.  Bring to mind some of those moments in your life when joy filled your heart and thank Him for His faithfulness in taking you on this journey to our Promised Land.

Read Joshua 4:1-5:1 here

Listen to Joshua 4:1-5:1 here

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