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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Joshua 1:1-9 Commission of Joshua

As a child, from time to time I recall trying to tell adults what to do.  It never worked very well, and often rather than compliance I would hear the phrase, “Who died and made you boss?” These are the thoughts that came rushing back to me when I read today’s passage. Hey, I thought that line was a joke, but it really happened to Joshua! So when the Israelites asked him that same question, his answer could have been, “God did!” They might have questioned him further, and his clarification would be simple; Moses died, and God made me boss.” How awesome to be able to answer like that? What I would have given to reply in that way when I was a kid, and have it actually be true. “God made me boss, so there!” Honestly when I made suggestions to adults about how they might behave, I felt I had very valid rational. With God as my appointee things would have been much different. People would have actually listened to me, right?

We can only wish it were that easy. We see pastors and Christians of all ages communicating and modeling the message of God on a regular basis, but so much of the world simply turns away. God commissioned Joshua upon the passing of Moses, just as He has commissioned us upon the passing of Jesus. “Be strong and courageous,” God commanded Joshua three times in this scripture reading. He also reminded Joshua that He is a promise keeping God in verses 3-6, and suggested that he mull over the first five books of the bible for insight and spiritual guidance in verses 7 and 8. 

Reading the book of Joshua will surely provide a clear picture of how Joshua’s God transformed him into the dynamic leader he became. Remember, God has not changed over the centuries. The promises He made to Joshua are very alive and real for us today. Live boldly within those promises, and hold tight to His word. As you grow in faith, courage and strength for the Lord, I hope you underline, highlight, and write in your bible. If you haven't yet---start now in Joshua. 

Read Joshua 1:1-9 here
Listen to Joshua 1:1-9 here

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