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Monday, July 2, 2012

Joshua 5:2-9

This text, especially verse 9, has me searching for meaning. The reproach of Egypt is said to be the Egyptians view of their and ridicule of the Israelite nation for taking so long to get to their Promised Land. Moses brought the people out of bondage and waved the flag of freedom from oppression, and here they were, almost 40 years later, still wandering, still searching.

God was working with His people, refining then and ultimately growing them in ways that took an entire generation. So many sins and mistakes plagued the sojourners that God declared they would not enter the Promised Land, but their off-spring would. During this period of 40 years, the people must have begun to get comfortable, recognizing that this was life for them. The saying, "It is what it is" may have gotten its start with the people of Israel.

This is a familiar tune to me, and I imagine some of you as well. We know where we want to go, but it is taking so very long to get there. It is human nature to look forward to the next major milestone in life and long for that day to arrive. It may be the years it takes to get through with all the schooling required for your chosen field. It may be the years of working with the longing for retirement dangling like a carrot, just out of reach.

Every path we take and every road that needs years to travel, are all part of God's plan for us. He grows us with each step. He nurtured and cared for His Chosen People back then, and He does the same for His Chosen People today.

Joshua 5:9 (NIV)
Then the LORD said to Joshua, "Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you." So the place has been called Gilgal to this day.

Read Joshua 5:2-9 here

Listen to Joshua 5:2-9 here

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