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Monday, July 16, 2012

Joshua 13:8-13

Doesn't it seem like there is one battle after another to fight and one country after another to conquer? The writings today and tomorrow are going to be on the same theme: Many battles are before us and God is behind us all the way. And again the Scripture my heart keeps playing in my head, "If God is for us, who can be against?" What a perfect battle cry.

God's plan is huge, the grand scale of our future is so big that we are only allowed a small glimpse, we are given a sneak peek as our minds and our faith can accommodate. I know we often think if only we knew what tomorrow would bring we would know how to act today, but think about it--is that true? As I move through this life I am coming to the conclusion that with regard to the future, what I don't know won't hurt me.

When God instructed Joshua to divide the land among the tribes, much of it was yet to be conquered. God knew the big plan and Joshua trusted God to guide his actions. He trusted that God had only the best in mind for Joshua and his warriors each time he sent them into battle. They were armed with a faith that comes from experience. 

We too have have much to accomplish, many battle to engage in and victories and defeats to experience. It is vital we put on our armor before facing the enemy. Dig into the Word daily and when up against a formidable foe remember, "Nothing is impossible with God." (Luke 1:37)

Read Joshua 13:8-13 here

Listen to Joshua 13:8-13 here

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