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Monday, July 23, 2012

Joshua 18:1-10

When reading God's Word, one of the exciting things for me is how I can see myself in a scene God is playing out.  Many times the lines I am reading I have read before but did not sense a relationship to the topic.  The benefits I reap from the section I am studying all depend on where I am emotionally and spiritually; maybe even physically.

“How long will you wait before you begin to take possession of the land that the Lord, the God of your ancestors, has given you?" (Joshua 18:3)

Today, as I continue to read in Joshua I am drawn to verse 3, "How long will you wait?"  I am asking myself this question today.  Years ago God placed a dream in my heart, long before I understood what it meant to walk with Jesus.  The dream haunted me.  There was a period of time where I dismissed it completely and went on with my life; sure that I was not capable of accomplishing the dream or that I was foolish and imagining things.

Do you have a dream?  Has God placed something on your heart that follows you throughout your life?  Is there something you can't stop thinking about but lack the courage to tackle?  Dreams like this often so hand in hand with a passion and giftedness.  It is never too late to follow a dream.  Everything from God is in His timing, His perfect timing.  Has your time come? "How long will you wait?"

Read Joshua 18:1-10 here

Listen Joshua 18:1-10 here

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