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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Joshua 18:11-28

If you have been following along in the Book of Joshua, you may have been tempted to skip these chapters, or to quit altogether.  I know as first read it, is repetitive, and if I might be so bold as to say -- boring.  I have to read the chapters over a number of times to glean what value there might be in the numerous listings of the divisions of the land and the respective allotments to the Tribes.  It is a challenge to discern what purpose God has for us today in these words from so long ago.

As I was reading the assigned text for today it struck me how much God cares about the details.  What I am reading and describing as boring, God considers part of the big picture for His Chosen People.  The littlest detail does not seem to go unnoticed.  God has taken the guess work out of how the land is to be apportioned. He knows what tomorrow will bring and He is preparing His people.

That is how it is today also.  I know God cares about the details of our lives and our faith journey, I have experienced His watchfulness.  He encourages us to talk to Him daily, to bring our cares and prayers before His throne without fail.  He wants us to share our pain and He wants us to turn to Him for answers.  Let God reveal the details, you will be blessed.

Read Joshua 18:11-28 here

Listen to Joshua 18:11-28 here

1 comment:

gail said...

I agree. It is difficult to think God cares about the little things in our lives, when there are so many "BIG" things going on He needs to tend to. We simply cannot understand his depth and reach. Cool!