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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Joshua 5:2-15

Circumcision seems like such a personal thing, yet the bible mentions it often. There is great significance in this process. Since the time of Abraham, male children in Israel had received the sign of God’s ownership through circumcision. This command from God acted as His reminder to the parents that their children were literal fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham. “I will make you into a great nation.” (Genesis chapter 12)  This act also symbolized a spiritual truth that the heart of every believer was to be “circumcised” –laid bare before God and His will. Fortunate for our children today, a flint knife is not the tool of choice as it was in Joshua’s time, yet the meaning for Christ followers remains.

When we hold up our end of the deal, God comes through for us as He promised. We must keep our own hearts in check because we are often blind to our own sinfulness. In Matthew 23, God uses the phrase “woe to you,” seven times.  Is he not telling us to look in the mirror? Often we outwardly appear good and righteous, but what’s on the inside? The Lord knows. He does not expect us to have it all together, but does look for us to be honest with others and ourselves before Him. We are transparent to our God. He fully knows and loves us. As circumcision symbolizes, our intentions are" laid bare before God…...” There is always hope however, as sincere admission and repentance gives us new life.

                           1st John 1:7 “Whatever the light exposes, the blood (of Jesus) cleanses.” 

Read Joshua 5:2-15 here
Listen to Joshua 5:2-15 here

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