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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Joshua 19:10-16

The third lot came up for Zebulun, clan by clan: The boundary of their inheritance went as far as Sarid. (Joshua 19:10)

If you are a history buff you are enjoying this time spent in Joshua, reviewing the distribution of the land God promised to His people. By taking a look back in Genesis 49 we can see these allotments are all according to God's plan, His promises and prophecy.

The words of prophecy in Scripture are dependable. There are some prophecies which are yet to be fulfilled, but some has already come to fruition. When we study and read books containing prophecy we learn what to believe and begin to recognize the things that are of God.

On his deathbed, Jacob listed his heirs and their birth-rites and if we read (Genesis 49:13) “Zebulun will live by the seashore
    and become a haven for ships;
    his border will extend toward Sidon.

Don't you love it when God's plan comes together? When I read and study His prophecies and then come across the fulfillment of them, I draw such comfort from the fact that God is in charge, He does rule and reign over our past, present and future. Believing these things to be true gives me strength to face tomorrow when today is overwhelming.

Now that I am listening for His instruction I am more likely to hear it. Now that I am turning to Him for guidance and comfort I am more likely to feel it. Now that I believe in Him and am growing my personal relationship with Him here on earth, I can't wait to experience it face to face one day.

Read Joshua 19:10-16 here

Listen to Joshua 19:10-16 here

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