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Friday, July 27, 2012

Joshua 19:17-23

"The fourth lot came out for Issachar, clan by clan." (Joshua 19:17)

I wonder what the people of Israel were thinking and talking about while the land was being parceled out? Did they already know where they would be putting down roots? Had there been lots of talk and supposition about who would get what? This is human nature after all. The excitement must have been pretty intense after all the years of dreaming and imagining a better life.

Once again prophecy is coming to fruition. “Issachar will have one portion; it will border the territory of Simeon from east to west. (Ezekiel 48:25)

God is also specific about all the boundaries, plotting out each lot line as the land is distributed. Boundaries are important for they tell us just how far we can go, they define exactly what is ours and what is belongs to our neighbors. While this may be restricting to those of us who are never satisfied, it must be relief to most. It is always a safe feeling when we understand the rules and the laws.

This is true of relationships as well. As much as God values boundaries there has to be a lesson for the reader, based on all the time that has been giving to this topic in these last chapters of Joshua. It is necessary to set boundaries with regard to property and just as important to set boundaries in our relationships. We all need personal space in which to process and perform well. One of the best pieces of advice I ever heard was, "Mind your own business." Harsh words at first listen, but valued wisdom once it was processed.

Sound advice like this helped me to define my boundaries and to respect the same in others. Every once in a while we all need a healthy dose of boundary setting 101. Perhaps today is the day.

Read Joshua 19:17-23 here

Listen to Joshua 19:17-23 here

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