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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Joshua 19:24-31

Today and next Monday, the assigned scripture readings list more of the allotments of the land to the clans. God continues to do what he promised He would do way back when He was using Abram (Abraham) to bring the truth to the world.

This review of Biblical history is a valuable look-back at how far God's people have come.  It is also a reminder of how far we have fallen at times.  There are seasons when it seems we take one step forward and two steps back.  We go from fully trusting in God to trusting our own instincts.  Our faith waivers from totally relying on guidance from the Holy Spirit to feeling we know it all and have things under control.

Like the Israelite nation, one day we are focused and following the One True God and the next day worldly idols drive us.  We become wrapped up in the things of this world and disregard Truth.  We settle for momentary happiness and cast aside eternal joy.  As one author wrote, "I find myself doing the backstroke in the Red Sea."

It is time to make a few eternal decisions for we may not have tomorrow.  We are not promised endless tomorrows, we cannot be certain there will be another opportunity to do the next right thing.  So, no matter what yesterday looked like - today is here.  Let's make the most of it.

The fifth lot came out for the tribe of Asher, clan by clan.

These towns and their villages were the inheritance of the tribe of Asher, clan by clan.

(Joshua 19:24,31)

Read Joshua 19:24-31 here

Listen to Joshua 19:24-31 here

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