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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Joshua 19:40-48

Joshua 19:47 (NIV)
 (But the Danites had difficulty taking possession of their territory, so they went up and attacked Leshem, took it, put it to the sword and occupied it. They settled in Leshem and named it Dan after their forefather.) 

Are you wondering why there was difficulty taking possession of their territory?  I know I was puzzled by this verse. If you recall, not all the land had been conquered when the distributions began.  Dan is one country that was yet to be taken over, the people driven out.

Defeating the inhabitants of Dan proved to be quite a challenge and the Danites didn't want to face another hard fought battle.  This tribe forgot that it was never their strength or power that got them to this point.  They ignored the fact that God has been the wings beneath their feat.  Victory over Dan was more than they wanted to deal with and knowing it would be easier to drive out the people from Leshem, they took that route.

God has been behind them all the way.  He had proven himself faithful to His people from day one of the almost 50 year mission; even when His people weren't faithful to Him.  Now, near the end of this chapter, as the spoils are doled out to the victors, the Danites choose the easy route, not trusting God to deliver them.

Oh, how familiar is this tune.  Time and again God has been there for me, delivered me from danger, protected me from everything that could have gone wrong, and yet I doubt.  When the going gets tough I run for the hills. When money get tight I wrap myself in a mantle of fear, neglecting to turn to God who has provided for me time and time again.

Read Joshua 19:40-48 here

Listen to Joshua 19:40-48 here

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