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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Joshua 2:1, 9-21 Rahab and the Spies

Rahab was a prostitute. She hid the spies sent by Joshua, and saw to it they were able to safely return to him. I find it curious how often the Lord chooses “the least of these” to use as vehicles for good; the immoral, the weak, the defiant. Within the many parables and stories of the bible, it is clearly illustrated that everyone is worthy in the eyes of God.

Had it not been for Rahab concealing the whereabouts of the spies sent by Joshua, the Isrealites may not have made their way to the Jordan, and beyond. Also consider that if Rahab were not in the business she was, the soldiers might not have believed her story of the men being there for a time, yet gone when they came searching. It seems her role was vital, and her “career” essential to the success of the mission.

Every person has a unique and important role in the story of this world as we are woven into its complicated tapestry. We may not understand our purpose yet, but regardless of whether God has us traveling through this world down a broken road, or one clearly paved with opportunity, we are here for a reason and must “Walk By Faith” for the common good of all God’s people. We are not here to judge Rahab or others like her who may not live as we do, but to seek God’s plan for us, and fulfill it. Rehab’s first step was hiding the spies. They say the first step is always the hardest. I’m not sure if that’s true, but I do know that the best way to begin, is to begin.

Listen to "Walk By Faith" here
Read Joshua 2:1-21 here
Listen to Joshua 2:1-21 here

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