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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Joshua 8

"Then the LORD says to Joshua, 'Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged." (Joshua 8:1)  These words must have been like balm to a blistered finger.  Imagine the discouragement Joshua and others must have experienced when they lost the battle for Ai.  They were part of such a glorious victory in Jericho and then they were chased from Ai in defeat.  What a tremendous blow.

Can you relate to Joshua?  Have you had a great victory in your life, one that made you feel like finally things were going to be Okay, only to experience a major setback?  Maybe you married the love of your life after years of searching and praying for God to send the right person.  You are feeling as if God is smiling on you and life is wonderful. Then illness or death or infidelity invades your perfect home. What happens next?  Where do you turn?

We learn in this chapter of Joshua, another valuable lesson.  When things go bad, when the plan doesn't seem to be a good one, God will redeem it.  When I read chapter 7, my immediate thoughts were negative.  I could not help but be disappointed in the behavior of some of the Israelite people.  I was disappointed, but not surprised.

We are such a fickle creation.  One day we are strong and steadfast in our faith and our actions.  We want only to do what is right, but the next minute we see a chance for self-gratification and all the good intentions and the powerful life-lessons we learned are out the window.  As I continued reading in Chapter 8 I began to feel better about things.  Of course, we are going to sin, of course we are going to fail and disappoint God as well as those we care about.

But there is wonderful news.  God will forgive, God will use our weaknesses to strengthen us.  God will use our faults and failures to further our mission in this world.  Once again we hear the words, "Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged."  God will make it right, God will make us whole, God will make it all better in the end if we just Trust and Obey.

Read Joshua 8 here

Listen to Joshua 8 here

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