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Monday, July 9, 2012

Joshua 9

This chapter is a lesson for each of us to learn.  Joshua, who was victorious over Jericho and Ai, now had the attention of other countries.  The reputation of these valiant warriors and their mighty God was becoming well-known and they were feared.  Their enemies were coming together and unifying with the intent of defeating Joshua's army.  They were under the assumption there would be safety and victory in numbers.

Joshua 9:24 (NIV)
They answered Joshua, "Your servants were clearly told how the LORD your God had commanded his servant Moses to give you the whole land and to wipe out all its inhabitants from before you. So we feared for our lives because of you, and that is why we did this.

Others were so of the Israelite nation they resorted to trickery and deception in order to save themselves. When the people of Gibeon approached Joshua under false pretenses, they had prepared and rehearsed their story and were able to fool Joshua. They were susceptible because Joshua and his leaders did not take it to God before acting.

Oh, my, can I ever relate to this. It is not that I feel I don't need God's guidance, but because my pride tells me I can handle this little decision by myself. Why bother such a busy God? I will call on him when there is big trouble brewing because I understand that He is a great big God and specializes in rescuing his people from danger and bring them to safety.

This type of thinking will get me into trouble every time. It is clearer all the time that God wants to be part of all my being, all day and all night long. He is never too busy and I am never too smart not to need Him by my side.

Read Joshua 9 here

Listen to Joshua 9 here

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