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Friday, July 6, 2012

Joshua 7

As humans, we often spend time living in the land of "if only", counting our woes and not our blessings.  I am as guilty of that as the next person.  Today, I am on top of the world thinking life is good and the next I am singing the 'poor me' song.  Familiar?  When Joshua encountered a glitch in his plan that is exactly what he did.

"If only we had been content to stay on the other side of the Jordan!" (Joshua 7:7)

If only's are not helpful.  They do not move us forward nor do they help us truthfully examine our situation.  If only's give us an excuse for a pity party.  "If only I hadn't been so hasty...If only I had looked both ways...If only I had said you're forgiven..."  If only will keep us stuck in today, they do nothing to improve tomorrow.

When Joshua said these words to God, God reminded the leader that he did not seek His council before going into battle, he did not turn to the LORD before the fact. Familiar?  All too often I find myself moving forward in my plan without having asked God for perception, direction, and protection.  Too often I take the next step on my own power. While I may think the project is a piece of cake, I still need God's guidance to make it the best it could be and glorify Him in the process. 

I love this line, and I know that I have heard God say it to me many times."The LORD said to Joshua, "Stand up! What are you doing down on your face?" (Joshua 7:10)  God is telling Joshua to get up!  You know what to do next.  He says the same to you and I.  We know to turn to him before attempting anything new.  We know to turn to Him before entertaining a new project or making a decision.

Had Joshua turned to God before going into battle God would have told him there is a problem with his people.  He would have warned him to clean out his camp before moving forward.  We realize the same is true for us.  Instead of finding ourselves crying the words, "If Only," let's make it a habit to seek God first even for the insignificant things of our day for perhaps God wants to make them something more.

Read Joshua 7 here

Listen to Joshua 7 here

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