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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Joshua 23

Joshua 23:8 (MSG)
"Hold tight to GOD, your God, just as you've done up to now." 

Do I hear an "AMEN!" to this command?  This chapter speaks to us today and I for one am hearing it loud and clear.  Joshua is reminding his people of the faithfulness of God.  He is encouraging them to stay strong, do not weaken or give in to idol worship.  We know from reading chapters leading to this point that honoring false gods has been an issue.  Guess what?  It still is today.

Joshua reminds his people in his farewell address to "Be Strong...Be obedient". Those words are timeless and we should take them to heart too.  As I read the words of Joshua to his people, imploring their hearts and minds to stay focused and tuned to The God, I am recognizing all of the false gods in my life.  I must be diligent to ignore the call of worldly things.  For me it is gadgets.  I can waste a lot of time and money on things I don't need.  God has been teaching me that my use of food as comfort can be a form of idolatry.

Are there false gods in your midst?  Are there things you put before God, worshiping and valuing them above all else?  For some of us money has our hearts; for others our day-planner rules, or maybe grandchildren or...

It is time we come to terms with what is truly valuable and worthy of our time and our effort.  To do this will require courage and strength and obedience.  We as Christians must be different from the world.  We must stand out, not blend in.  We must be a night-light in a dark room.  We can not do this alone.  Joshua 23:8 (MSG)  "Hold tight to GOD, your God, just as you've done up to now." 

Read Joshua 23 here

Listen to Joshua 23 here

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