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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Story - Chapter 2 - Genesis 15-17

Genesis 15:1 (NIV)
After this, the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision:   "Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward."  

Ever notice how often God comes to his people in visions or dreams?  Could that be because it is the only time when we are quiet enough to hear Him speak?  We pray and we cry out and we pace and we pout, but do we ever just sit in silence and listen?  In order to have a conversation with another person, we talk and then we listen; we then think a bit before responding and then we listen some more.

Has this type of conversation ever happened between you and God?  Psalm 46:10 is a favorite verse of many, “Be still and know that I am God.”  This is one of those verses God placed upon my heart many years ago when He was teaching me to listen for His response to my prayers.  It is a verse He still uses today because I often will get ahead of Him.

The fact that Abram and Sarai were childless seemed to be upper most in his heart.  He and Sarai longed for a baby, for sons and daughters to nurture and love.  When God told Abram of the promise to become the father of many nations, Abram could only see the facts as they were then; he and Sarai could not conceive, and they weren’t getting any younger.

God had to speak to him in a dream and encourage him while he slept.  Have you felt God’s encouragement in this fashion?  Have you ever laid your head on the pillow at night, thinking and praying about a predicament you were experiencing; worrying and fretting endlessly?  Then, upon waking in the morning you felt such peace it was hard to remember what was troubling you so?

God works in our hearts while we sleep. God refreshes us, clearing our minds and reveals an escape route for the troubles we face.  The issues don’t disappear, but answers become obvious; next steps are in focus and there is a peace we haven’t felt for a long time.  This is God telling us, “Do not be afraid.  I am your shield, your very great reward."    

Read Genesis 15-17 here

Listen to Genesis 15-17 here