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Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Story - Chapter 4 - Exodus 10-11

Daily Deliverence

Now, this may be common knowledge, but this writer just realized the plagues were aimed at various Egyptian deities. As if in challenge to them, taunting the nation’s gods to intervene and show up Moses' God.

Exodus 10:22 (NIV)

“So Moses stretched out his hand toward the sky, and total darkness covered all Egypt for three days.”

This plague was aimed at one of the chief Egyptian idols, the sun god Re. As each plague covered the land, the Egyptian people realized how powerless their own gods were. God was proving to both the Hebrews and the Egyptians that He alone is the loving and all-powerful God.

This is noteworthy for us today, as we too are surrounded by gods; impersonal and numerous. Each day we face challenges to focus on either the One True God, who makes all the difference in our life or we turn to the god of time and allow our calendar dictate our devotion.

Daily struggles to balance the checkbook in an attempt to squeeze out enough cash to put a down payment on the car of our dreams takes precedence over placing our tithe in the offering. The god of drugs, alcohol and food take their turn sending us to our knees too. As we worship at the altar of self-destruction it becomes apparent we are seeking comfort from gods that only bestow pain.

Exodus 10:2 (NIV)

“that you may tell your children and grandchildren how I dealt harshly with the Egyptians and how I performed my signs among them, and that you may know that I am the LORD."

The lesson today is a reality check for me. As I begin my day, there are many things on my calendar needing my attention, but nothing is more important than the first few minutes spent in prayer and quiet composure. Maybe for you it is the last minutes of your day. The god I must stare down is my finances. God has been so good to provide everything I need; it is imperative I recognize this every day and quit whining and worrying.

The Hebrew people were preparing for a major life change; Moses was the instrument God was using to initiate that change. As they entered a new phase of life they were learning of a new God, the One True God who would part the Red Sea just for them. God did this for us also, “that you may know that I Am the LORD.”

Read Exodus 10-11 here

Listen to Exodus 10-11 here

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