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Friday, September 14, 2012

The Story - Chapter 4 - Exodus 12-13

Detours May Become Destiny

My plans often fall apart. I am a very ‘ducks-in-a-row’ sort of personality, and I operate best in a color coded spreadsheet environment. This may be due to my upbringing because I found it necessary to know what was waiting for me when I turned the corner. My survival, or at least my daily comfort level depended on having everything working as I planned. One glitch in the design for my day and I would be tossed far outside my comfort level.

I wonder what the Hebrew nation was feeling as they began their journey from bondage to freedom. I’ll wager they didn’t feel so free when they looked back and saw the Egyptians in hot pursuit. Some of them may have been wondering why Moses was taking them the long way. More than likely they knew the shortest route to Canaan, and this wasn’t it.

This sounds just like life, we map things out and study the best route. We plan and we provide for all unexpected detours, and the route still gets changed. Often we find ourselves in unknown territory and feel surrounded by the enemy. To top it all off, it is night and we are lost. One of the beautiful lines in Scripture reads:

Exodus 13:21 (NIV)

“By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night.”

This realization gives me peace. I know that God was not only guiding His people, He is guiding you and me on every road and detour we encounter. The visual I have of God in a cloud, just up ahead of me, guiding my steps and pointing out the path is topped only by the pillar of fire right out front which allows me to step safely into the darkness.

Looking back, we know why God commanded Moses to take the route he took. God had plans to show up and make Himself known to His people by parting the waters for them. He also made sure they knew He took care of their pursuers by releasing the wall of water once all of His people were clear. Let us look back on a time when we felt trapped, hunted and doomed to destruction. Where can you know see God’s hand? Is the upper story taking shape, can you make more sense of things?  Is God making something good out of another's evil purpose?  Just something to consider today.
Read Exodus 12-13 here

Listen to Exodus 12-13 here

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