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Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Story – Chapter 4 – Exodus 16-17

Promises, promises, promises. How many times have we been promised something and it never happened? We make promises we intend to keep, only to disappoint others, forgetting how closely to the heart promises are held.

As the Israelites ventured into the desert with Moses, they trusted in a promise made by God through Moses. When it was not fulfilled as they believed it should have been, they began to grumble and complain, just as we do when things do not occur as we believe they should.  We protest these empty promises to our friends, colleagues, and family members as though they are in control. We discredit the promise maker in order to feel some sort of control. Since we are not in control we can’t “fix” it, but have to do something, so we whine and gripe as the Israelites did when they found themselves in the desert; not exactly the “Promised Land” they envisioned.

God took the Israelites out of slavery where they were accustom to doing exactly what their masters told them because of the threat of torture or death. The Lord needed to reshape their hearts into thinking as faithful believers who would live their lives as lights to the world as they followed Christ and the word of God.

As you read chapters 16 and 17, you will see several things very clearly;  God met the needs of the Israelites, not their wants. He provided daily for their needs, but no more. God remained faithful, even though the Israelites complained. Whenever God leads, he provides. God does not offer empty promises

“Thy kingdom come, thy will be done…….. Give us this day our daily bread……”

Read Exodus 16-17 here

Listen to Exodus 16-17 here

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