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Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Story - Chapter  8 - Judges 17


God has a plan for each of us. The reason for our existence is usually not clear to us but in God’s time, we fulfill our purpose. Our sinful nature often brings us to that purpose on a very round about path. We make our lives far more difficult than God intended them to be. Sometimes we learn from our behaviors-good and not so good, and on other occasions, if we pay attention, we learn from the actions of others. What can we take away from the life and deeds of Samson? I believe there are many, but the strength we think of at the mention of his name is somewhat deceiving.

The women who appeared dainty and beautiful were relentless and obviously not truly in love with Samson-it was lust that attracted them to him. The same is true of Samson’s draw to the women. One wonders why he kept going back for more when all they wanted was information from him that would cause his demise. It was likely sinful pleasure. Though Samson was known for his strength he was, in reality easily manipulated, and weak.

It was only when he looked to God that things went as they were intended to. Samson was a bully, a destroyer not a builder. He is remembered for his strength not his self control. He lived by his biceps instead of his precepts. He could get women, but was unable to keep them. He did not let God-honoring core values dictate his actions.

In the end, The Lord used Samson and his God-given strength to destroy the Philistines. That was his final mission. He was doing it out of revenge; however it was part of the plan all along-God’s plan, not Samson’s. This story brings me to the question of “the dash.” On our grave stones or urns will be the dates of our birth and death, but the dash in between is the important part. How do we live our dash? Was our time God lead, or self lead? Samson is remembered for his strength, but if closely investigated we see his strength was his greatest weakness.  I think I’m going to go examine my dash!

Read Judges 16 here

Listen to Judges 16 here

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