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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Story - Chapter 31 - The End of Time

What is praise? Webster defines it; to express favorable judgment, to glorify.  Sounds pretty weak doesn't it, especially when speaking of praising God.  In the Book of Revelation John was given the joy of seeing true praise by the Saints.

The vision John was blessed with he has shared in this powerful book.  I used to think Revelation was a scary book of doomsday proportion.  Now, as an adult and as a Christian I understand the writing to be all about love.

Revelation 19:11 (NIV) I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True.  

God allowed John to see the reality of good and evil.  He gave His servant a look at Jesus as the central theme of the Revelation.  Can you imagine seeing heaven standing open and watching what was going on there?  I am doing it right now, eyes closed; I am imagining the streets of Heaven and watching the praise and worship, the fellowship and love that is all around.  My mind's eye cannot even begin to see, for it is truly beyond what I can take in.

But someday...

Read Revelation 19:1-10

Listen to Revelation 19:1-10

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