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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The People I Admire Most

[Read the Scripture for the day in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11.] 

Who do you admire most, and why do you admire them? Is he a musician or an athlete? Is she a business leader or an author? Do you appreciate people for their accomplishments or abilities or character? What resounds from others to the point it resonates in you?

Personally, I esteem the twelve-steppers among us and others like them—those who have looked honestly upon their innermost weaknesses and vulnerabilities and confessed their inability to overcome them in their own power. With a precious humility worthy of our aspiration, they rest completely in God for restoration, renewal, and fullness of life.

Truth is, these folks have discovered what we all need to admit, that confronting our wrongs is far more powerful than denying them, and that confessing is crucial to overcoming. With this in mind, the apostle Paul called out some various ways our inward condition surfaces through our actions, from the sexually immoral, to the greedy, to those who slander others. Then in a bold celebration of truth and grace, he reminded his readers, “And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God” (1 Corinthians 6:11).

Our natural inclination is to deny our wrongs or excuse them or blame others for them, but that gets us literally nowhere in the kingdom of God. Instead, our hope is found in being completely open, honest and accountable before God for our wrongs and our overall tendency toward sin, and then trusting in the boundless grace of Christ for forgiveness, salvation, and transformation.

“Coming clean” with God is our first step. When we do, He not only forgives us, He cleanses us from the inside out. What could be more worthy of our admiration?

God, reveal my heart, and give me the strength to trust you completely for forgiveness, cleansing, and the precious gift of a right standing before you in Christ Jesus, your Son. I stand in awe of you. Thank you.  

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