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Monday, August 22, 2016

The Why of Answered Prayer.

As we read the text for today, we begin to examine just what it is that we each want, really want from God. We recognize that we can go to Him and ask for the desires of our hearts.  In the reading yesterday Bartimaeus didn't ask for anything holy and righteous, no, he asked for something very personal.  He asked Jesus, the Son of David, (as he referred to Jesus) to be able to see. And God granted that request.

This week we are to wrestling with the question, why?  Why do we want what we are asking for? Bartimaeus wanted to see so that his life could change, so he could be 'normal' and live as others did.

What is it we want to do once we receive that something we want.  Most preachers asked the question of each of us in the pews, "What do you want, really?"  Knowing your own response, how do you answer the "why" question.

"See what great love the Father has lavished on us. that we should be called children of God."
(1 John 3:1)

This is something to think about this week as you move through the texts leading up to Sunday's sermon.  You can access these daily readings here. Let's take this trip together and discover what it is we want to do with God's generous blessings on our lives; with the prayer request he is waiting to fulfill has already done so.

1 John 2:28-3:3

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