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Monday, December 12, 2016

The Lord is our Shepherd

12 December 
Scripture Reading
Read Psalm 23 and reflect on the passage.

The words of Psalm 23—words so well-known, memorized by many—paint a beautiful picture for us. A picture of the shepherd—the one who guards and protects the sheep and knows them by name; a picture of the comfort extended to us; a picture of the One who will always be with us.
The sheep are dependent upon the shepherd for everything—provision, protection, and guidance. They are helpless without the shepherd. 

In the New Testament, Jesus is called the good shepherd, so when we say “The Lord is my shepherd” we are also saying that we are His sheep. And we need nothing else because the Good Shepherd provides for our every need—comforting in times of need, gently turning us when we go astray, guiding us through the valley of the shadow of death. The Good Shepherd knows His sheep by name, He cares for them, comforts them, leads them to places of rest and peace.

The Shepherd never leaves or abandons His sheep, but rather promises that goodness and mercy will follow us…and we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever! What a picture and a promise!

1.      What comes to mind as you think of the Shepherd leading you to green pastures? Quiet waters? Restoring your soul?
2.      How has the Shepherd provided for and comforted you as you faced times of fear, discouragement, or “the valley of the shadow of death?”
Good Shepherd, I pray to walk in peace and joy knowing that You, my Shepherd, are there to protect, provide for, and guide me. Amen.

—Becki Bork

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