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Thursday, December 15, 2016

God calls us into righteousness

 December 15
Scripture Reading
Read Isaiah 42:5-8 and reflect on the passage.

What a remarkable thing, to be called by the Creator of the Universe. And to what are we called? God calls us in righteousness—to live, ourselves, in righteousness. We have no righteousness on our own. In the Messiah, we have full righteousness as a gift of mercy and grace.

God has “taken us by the hand”—it’s very personal. God has kept us for a purpose, a righteous purpose—to bring His light and sight to others, and to help prisoners be free. This is God’s plan for us.

Isaiah has quite a picture of God’s plans for our lives. God came that we might have life—in Jesus. He keeps coming that our lives might matter eternally. He will come again both in our own deaths and in final glory—to bring it all to a triumphant end...and beginning.

It is God’s plan and desire that we see ourselves as His special people in this way. Our lives matter, because God has created and redeemed us to make a difference in the lives of other people. We have a righteousness and a righteous purpose. Think of that!

1.      Where do you need help and light and mercy yourself? Where do you need the gift of righteousness to be applied in your life today?
2.      Think of someone you know who needs the light of Jesus—name them! Would you begin to pray for God’s righteous purpose of your life to them?
Thank You, righteous God, that You call us and make us righteous by Your great mercy. Help us see ourselves as You see usin Jesus. Amen.

—Paul Ulring

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