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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Shepherd rescues His sheep

14 December 
Scripture Reading
Read Ezekiel 34:11-16 and reflect on the passage.

Ezekiel tells us the Lord was a shepherd to Israel. The shepherd imagery is pervasive throughout Scripture. Jesus clearly takes the shepherd mantle and twice in John chapter 10 declares, “I am the Good Shepherd.”

What makes this imagery so fitting? First, sheep are not known for their ferocity, foresight, and intellect. They need constant help. Second, the shepherd provides all the sheep need. A lot of people can see themselves as a sheep. They are determined as the old song says gloriously, “I did it my way.” (Two-year-olds say that sort of thing too. More like an emphatic, “I do it.”) But, there is a fundamental problem for even the greatest and seemingly most self-sufficient—mortality seems to get in the way. Sooner or later when that inevitable last day comes, I’ve heard it said that no one has ever had a U-haul hitched to their hearse to take it all with them. Neither will anyone stand at the “pearly gates” declaring their greatness and demand a golden penthouse.

Can you see the foolishness in believing in your self-sufficiency? The shepherd is right there calling you to come—follow Him. Only He can provide you all you need now and forever.

1.      The good shepherd will call out to you. What are things you can do to more clearly hear His voice?
2.      Are there any areas where you try to fill a need in your own power or turn to an idol to fill the need?
Lord, You provide for all our needs. Let us trust You for our needs and not try to fill our needs in any illegitimate way.

—Lee Miller 

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