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Friday, December 16, 2016

God guides the Israelites

16 December 
Scripture Reading
Read Exodus 13:20-22 and reflect on the passage.

I sometimes leave God out of the picture, forget He’s right there with me, guiding me. It’s easy to forget this time of year. At least I have an excuse compared to the Israelites, I don’t have a visible pillar of “cloud by day” or a “fire by night.” But, if I keep God a part of my daily life, I can’t deny it’s His presence that meets me in big and small ways and gives me guidance.

I’ve had some hard times in my life when I needed God’s presence and guidance desperately. Things were falling apart in my eyes. For one thing, I didn’t have money to pay my bills, let alone buy Christmas presents. Honestly, if I didn’t experience these hard times, I know I wouldn’t be blessed with the faith I enjoy today, or know deeply how much Jesus loves and cares for me.

That Christmas, and through the entire next year, God provided in ways I couldn’t have imagined. He even gave me specific Bible verses that I knew was a vision of His future for me and my family. He was giving me a “pillar” of clear, visible guidance in the most personal way.

1.      Have you experienced God guiding you? Maybe through a Bible passage, a song, a friend’s words, or a sermon. How did it impact you?
2.      How has your faith grown during times of hardship compared to times of peace?

Thank You God that You are always with us, guiding us, loving us, and caring for us in every circumstance of our lives. Amen.

—Kirsten Svendsen

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