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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

God enters the temple

December 13
Scripture Reading
Read 1 Kings 8:6-13 and reflect on the passage.

Johnny could not believe it. “Wow! I actually got his autograph! He looked right at me when he signed my program. And he even smiled. It would have been enough just to see him play, but then he chose to make himself available for his fans. He walked right up to me. He didn’t need to do that. I’ll never be the same!”

We can understand the amazement in the heart of young boy who had a one-on-one encounter with his favorite sports superstar. How much more when the Lord of the universe chooses to make Himself available to us—mere mortals? Solomon was the wealthiest king to reign over Israel; he expanded the borders of the nation to its farthest reaches. Yet, when he built the temple, he counted it a high privilege that the Lord would be present among them.

Even more astounding—at Christmas we celebrate the awesome, amazing, audacious claim that God chose to take up residence in the body of a baby! It would be enough for us to see our God from afar. But He chooses to draw near, to look us in the eye and to place His name upon us. Wonder!

1.      When have you been awed or amazed that someone chose to notice you and include you in something?
2.      How amazing is it to you that God chooses to seek to establish or deepen a relationship with you?
King of the universe, thank You for making Yourself available to me. In no way do I deserve Your attention, but I am eternally grateful for the wonder of Christmas. Amen.

—David Mann 

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