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Saturday, December 17, 2016

The Israelites trust God

December 17
Scripture Reading
Read Exodus 14:26-31 and reflect on the passage.

Take a moment: either step outside or glance out the window. Consider the beauty that God has created in the trees, in the people walking along the street, in the details brushed across the sky. Consider the person you are, the place you live, the people in your life. Take a moment to remember the journey that led you to this place. Let God remind you how He has been with you since the beginning; from the moment you were born to the present day. 

Though we may fail to notice him in the trees out the window, in the smile of our children, and the bustle of the day, He is there. In the midst of an overwhelming Egyptian army, God was there for the Israelites. God used their faithful leader Moses to rescue them from their oppressors. Yet, what happens as God continues to lead the Israelites towards the Promised Land? They forget the faithfulness of God. As we’re overwhelmed with our days and our situation we must take time to think back and remember the faithfulness of God.

1.      Are there people in your life that have led you or guided you like Moses? What impact have they had on who you are today?
2.      What moments in your life can you remember when God showed you His faithfulness? Let God remind you.

Lord, remind me. Remind me of Your faithfulness and Your promise to never leave me. You hold my life. Let me not forget.

—Maddie Benson


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