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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Jesus the servant

28 December 
Scripture Reading
Read Mark 10:42-45 and reflect on the passage.

“Everybody loves a winner,” it is sometime said. We love our sports heroes, some politicians, and even rock stars. It is easy to follow a winner.

When Jesus walked the earth, many people knew Jesus would be a winner. They expected He would be a king and rule the earth. At the very least, He would restore the Davidic Kingdom and bring greatness back to the Jewish nation. Some thought Jesus would be a fun person to follow.

How wrong they were. Jesus is a king, but on earth He came as a lowly servant. He did not command riches, land, and underlings. He would not win humankind over with opulence and greatness, but rather, by humbly helping us.

Jesus served by healing many and feeding thousands. Most importantly, He served us by giving His life to take away our sin.

No earthly king would trade greatness for humility or voluntarily die for his subjects.
Yet Jesus so loved us that He served us by being a sacrifice for what is wrong with all of us. Jesus is the greatest servant ever. Jesus is a winner worth following!

1.      What does Jesus’ servanthood mean to you?
2.      What can you do today to follow Jesus’ example of service to others?

Dear God, thank You for trading Jesus’ life for my sin. Please help me to serve You by serving others. Amen.
—Mark Locher 

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