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Thursday, August 30, 2018

It's Not the "OK" Commission

Sometimes I forget about the Great Commission. As if it’s hiding away in Matthew - a passage of power, directive, and promise, just slipped into the book as an afterthought, a little “by the way.” But that’s not true. It’s not the “lousy commission,” or the “maybe commission.” It’s the Great Commission! It’s got oomph!

So maybe I don’t forget so much as avoid it. With His authority, this is what Jesus tells His followers to do. He tells them to travel far, speak boldly, make a difference. That’s a pretty big deal. What if I’m too afraid, don’t know what to say, or feel insignificant? What if I don’t know how? 

Jesus tells the disciples to share of the miracles they saw, the things they learned, the risks they took; the bruises and blisters, cuts and scars they acquired; the long and cold nights, the responsibility, the meltdowns and times of doubt; when they leaned on each other and laid their heads in Jesus’s lap, and when they discussed and laughed with each other and with the Son of God over food and drink, or around a fire. He tells them to speak from where they are, and who they are. He tells them to share an opportunity with those who don’t yet know the wonder of living life with the King. He knows the gravity of this send-off; He knows what’s coming for His followers: ridicule, persecution, exile, death. And yet He still tells them to go. Because it’s not the “meh commission.” It’s great. It’s one of the most important things a follower of God will ever do. It’s no surprise, then when Jesus tells His followers that He’ll be right by their side, no matter what. 

When the One who has all authority, who gave me this responsibility and gift and path to take, says that He's with me until the end of the age, I know I’m covered. And I know, despite the fear and risks, that I want to be a part of something great. 

Matthew 28:16-20

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