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Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The Church at Ephesus

The church in Ephesus is both commended and warned. As you read, look for what is praise-worthy about this congregation. What is challenged in this congregation? How do you relate to the church in Ephesus?


Click here to access the reading from Revelation 2:1-7
For more help use this Bible Study method


The Church at Ephesus
By Diane Ward

The Apostle John is old now, a slight figure walking through jagged rocks on a beach. He is in exile, socially distanced as we are now in this epic pandemic. I dare say what John experienced as a measure of time and memory is petabytes distant from our isolation of 2020.

As Jesus was nearing his last breath, he asked John to look after his mother. Soon after, John and Mary went to Ephesus and lived there 8 years until John was exiled by Roman Emperor Domitian to Patmos, a small Greek island in the Aegean Sea.

Jesus commended the church at Ephesus. Through the ministry of Paul, it was firmly established and spiritually discerning in keeping with the Word of God. It was one of the largest churches of New Testament times. The Ephesians had endurance, but their love for Christ and for one another was not what it had been, they had forsaken their first love. Despite Jesus’ commendation, this serious problem afflicted the church. They needed to repent, for a church without love will die.

Jesus loves his church and all who belong to him in faith. He knows when our love and zeal for him grows weak, when we are persecuted and world-weary. He calls us to look to him, to remember his mercy and grace, to remain focused through the lens of his love.

When our love and passion for God and for others chills, we must sharpen our focus on the Word, relating to each other in love, quick to forgive, willing to defer to each other, demonstrating that love is at work in our church.  “Holy Spirit renew our passion with fresh warm love for Jesus, for our church and the peripheral community we are called to serve.”

“Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.” (Helen H. Lemmel)


TRUTH In the midst of all the messages being heard, pray for accurate information to drown out false reporting and click-bait tactics.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Excellent & a reminder in these times for the church & us to focus on Him!