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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Preparations for the Temple

David knows that he will not be permitted to build a permanent temple for God (God had told him this directly). But David was determined to see it completed, so he gives his son the materials and instructions necessary to complete the task. David’s son Solomon would go on to build the temple, completing the work his father had dreamed of, and continuing Israel’s relationship to YHWH.


Click here to access the reading from 1 Chronicles 22:1-19


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Blueprint for Living

By Judy Webb

David said, “My son Solomon is young and inexperienced, and the house to be built for the Lord should be of great magnificence and fame and splendor in the sight of all the nations. Therefore, I will make preparations for it.” So, David made extensive preparations before his death.
(verse 5)

When reading chapter 22, one gets the impression that David was a control freak. At first read, I felt like he was struggling to let Solomon build the temple, even after God told him that he (David), would not. But, after setting this into the proper context, reading a little before and a little after this chapter, it makes a lot of sense. Sort of like when we walk in on the middle of a conversation and snap to a quick judgment. We don’t know all the facts.

So, here goes:

Fact #1 – David was told by God that he would not be the one to build the temple.

Fact #2 – David was determined to see it was completed.

Fact #3 – Solomon (David’s son), would be the one to build it, even though this temple construction was David’s dream.

David appointed stone cutters, he provided large amounts of iron, bronze, and cedar logs. He seemed to be taking control of this project, but as I mentioned earlier, at this point we don’t know all the story. For that we must jump to 1 Chronicles 28:19. “All this,” David said, “I have written as a result of the Lord’s hand on me, and he enabled me to understand all the details of this plan.” God gave David the blueprints, so to speak.

God pointed out to David that he had secured the kingdom where the temple would be built. And that it took much bloodshed to do this. “You have shed much blood and have fought many wars…But you will have a son who will be a man of peace and rest…he is the one who will build a house for my Name.” (1 Chronicles 22:8-10) Makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?

Knowing the entire story helps us to read this history with an open mind and heart. We learn that God didn’t shut David out of the process but enlarged his worldview by giving him a son who would do him proud. David’s final instruction to his son was this. “Now, devote your heart and soul to seeking the Lord your God.” Wise words for any father to leave with his son, don't you think?


WEDNESDAY WISDOM – Pray for wisdom in these times as we all work toward protecting lives and consider the livelihoods of millions hurt by the economic impact.


 1 Chronicles 22:1-19

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