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Saturday, June 19, 2021

Live as Children of the Light


Ephesians 5:8-14


Wake Up!!

by Mary McGinnis

I have vivid memories of being afraid of the dark when I was a child. I can still envision lying in my twin bed in the second-floor bedroom of our 1924 home. The sliding wood closet doors were pulled tightly shut, and I would call down the stairs, “turn the light on please!!” My Mom would flip the switch to the hall light and echo back, “Now it’s time to go to sleep.” I would fidget and squirm as my eyes adjusted to the dim light. Soon my 5-year-old mind would make all kinds of scary monsters out of the shadows that were cast on the walls of my room.

Sometimes I would muster up enough courage to land my feet on the floor. Nervously, I would scurry quickly to the opposite side of the room and flipping on the overhead light. Then race back to my bed in hopes that my mom would not scold me for still being up. I wished I could just go to sleep with the lights on all the time. Soon I drifted off to slumber land. Before I knew it, the sun was coming up and it was time to wake up and start a new day.    

Many of this world’s deepest, darkest secrets are scary and unspeakable. Abuse, human trafficking, killing, racism, hatred, lust, greed . . . the list could go on and on. And what about the darkness we find in our own hearts; add to the list selfishness, betrayal, discontent, impatience, fits of anger . . .

God sent the Light of the world into our darkness. He did not do this to leave us in the darkness. He does not want us to stumble around in the darkness, fearful at every turn. He calls us to walk as children of the light. 

He is calling us to Awaken! Rise up! Live as Sons and Daughters of the Light! For Christ the Lord will shine on us.

Revelation 22:5 says, “And night will be no more. They will need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they will reign forever and ever.”

Jesus, there is so much darkness in our world, in our lives and in our own hearts. We look forward to the day when darkness will be no more. You are our radiant Light, the Glorious Sovereign King who reigns forever and ever. Wake us up to the knowledge that one day we will be in eternity, and we can even NOW walk confidently in the light of Your mercy and love each day, as Your beloved children. 

You are all we need.  May we walk in the light as You are in the light.  

Prayer Practice

Breath Prayer – Take 2-3 minutes today to pray a simple breath prayer. Get somewhere quiet and relaxing. Breathe in deeply, and then breathe out fully. As you breathe in, ask God to fill you with His presence, grace, love, peace, etc. Consider using the list of spiritual fruit in Galatians 5:22-23. As you breathe out, offer to God the things you need Him to take from you – sin, doubt, shame, anxiety, fear, etc. Pray this way for just a few minutes, trusting God to work, and then begin reading today’s Scripture.



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