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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

In God's Presence, Psalm 43

Send forth your light and your truth,
let them guide me;
let them bring me to your holy mountain,
to the place where you dwell. -Psalm 43:3

Where is your favorite place to go and be with God? Some people like to be in nature; whether watching the sunrise or listening to the waves. Being outside draws them close to God.

Others love a worship service or concert where the praise music draws them into God’s presence. The words mixed with the beat strike a chord that connects them with the Creator.

I like to be alone with my guitar and Bible. I love to read God’s word and learn new and amazing things God has done. I respond to what I find by playing my guitar and singing praises to Him.

The truth is, as long as we are following God’s light and truth we will be brought to His holy mountain, to the place where He dwells. How wonderful is that! God promises us access to him; we don’t have to seek it out, we just have to seek out his truth and we will be in the presence of God.
Read the entire scripture on Biblegateway Psalm 43

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Light Bulb Moment - Psalm 119:129-136

Have you ever had an eye-opening experience, perhaps an ah-ha moment when some mystery is finally cleared up? Maybe you have spent time worrying over an issue or predicament, fretting about what to do next when suddenly it becomes so clear and you ask yourself, “Why didn’t I think of this before?”

Psalm 119:130 speaks to this dilemma. “The unfolding of your words gives light: it give understanding to the simple.” The word unfolding means: revealing, interpreting, having the words enter our hearts. The more that we dig into scripture and read and study, the more we allow its meaning to unfold for us. It is like a three step process:
  • Read  - Scripture and pray for eyes to be opened 
  • Understand  - As we pray the meaning unfolds for us
  • Behave - The Words of Scripture convict us to conduct ourselves accordingly
God’s Word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12).  This is good news for you and me.  It is encouraging to learn that God is speaking to me today; His Word becomes more clear every time I turn to it.  His words certainly do give us light.

Read the text for today's Scripture selection at Biblegateway Psalm 119:129-136
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Monday, June 28, 2010

Lamp to my Feet -- Psalm 119:105-112

Growing up, storms frequently caused power outages in our home. Mom would light a lamp and lead the way upstairs at bedtime. I remember how the light cast shadows on the walls and ceilings. It revealed each step ahead of us; behind us was darkness. The sounds of the wind and rain pounding on the windows were unsettling. As we made our way through the darkness, the warmth of the light and knowing mom held my hand made me feel secure.

Today's text reminds me how frequently God's Word is a light for my path. I am guided, taught, revived, and comforted by His Word. God takes my hand and walks beside me step by step. He is there in the center of whatever situation I am walking through. He speaks to me through His Words and helps me see where I am going. When I am obedient and focused on God through His Word, I am encouraged, my faith is strengthened, and joy fills my heart.

"I inherited Your book on living; it's mine forever—what a gift! And how happy it makes me!" Psalm 119:111 MSG

How has the Word of God been a lamp to your feet?

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Read the entire text for today on Biblegateway, Psalm 119:105-112.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Thy Word Is A Lamp Unto My Feet. Psalm 119:9-16

Lighting our lives takes preparation. To light our house we need to pay the electric bill. In case we lose power, we have candles and flashlights handy. We often undervalue the work it takes to fill our life with light, or maybe it has just become second nature.

Psalm 119 explains how we can be ready, spiritually, when darkness tries to fall on our life. If we follow the wisdom in this passage, lighting our faith life can become second nature too. We need to hide the word in our heart; the only way to do that is to learn what the Bible says. What’s the best way to do that?

First we need to meditate on it. Once we’ve read a passage, mull it over. Dig deep, ask questions, let it will become real and relevant.

We also need to recount what the word says. Tell others, it will not only change the life of the seeker, it will also strengthen our knowledge of scripture.

Finally we are to delight what it says. If we study the word begrudgingly, we won’t learn a thing. If we joyfully seek to grow through our knowledge of scripture though, we will always be connected with the light source.
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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Light the Way

Have you ever stopped to think how important light is?  From an early age we realize light makes us feel safe.  As a youngster, we probably had a night light in our bedroom.  At the very least we would ask for the hall light to stay on while we went to sleep.

Lighted head gear could save a life. Without proper illumination while exploring a dark cave, injury or death could be a step or two away. Lighting the path in front of us is critical to our safety and peace of mind. It is much easier to explore new places when we can see where we are going, when we can tell if the next step is the right one to make. A properly trained adventurer knows this. Whenever we are subjected to darkness we seek out light. 

Paul says something similar in Ephesians when he tells the people to live as children of Light. “For though your hearts were once full of darkness, now you are full of light from the LORD, your behavior should show it.” (Ephesians 5:8) We are being told that we have Jesus, the light of our world, in our lives and we should act like it. Just as the cave surveyor knows the importance of staying in the light, we too, as followers of Jesus need to stay in the light.

Read the scripture for today at Biblegateway Ephesians 5:8-14

Share your comments on this passage.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Shine God's Light -- John 3:16-21


Hung Him

On a cross

To die for all

Our old selfish sinful selves forgiven

In Christ, God demonstrated love for us

His Light is in our hearts!

Claim His hope



Shine God's Light in your world!

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

To Infinity and Beyond, John 8:12-20

My son told me this morning that he is Buzz Lightyear. He looked at me a bit sheepishly wondering how I would respond. With approving eyes and enthusiasm I said, “You are, cool.” That was all it took, and with pride he excitedly told me how he will save the day. Evan has an active imagination but there are times when he needs to know I believe in him.

Jesus makes an announcement while teaching in the temple. He tells all who are listening that he is the light of the world. And all who follow him will not walk in darkness will have the light of life. Unlike Evan, Jesus is not using his imagination, He is stating a fact.

His statement is met with criticism and Jesus does not falter. He knows his father is on his side. He informs the doubting Pharisees his father is witness to what He is saying. Jesus knew that without his father’s approval He could never be a light to the hurting world, and with his father’s approval nothing could put the light out, in fact His light would go, “To infinity and beyond.”
Read today entire passage on biblegateway John 8:12-20
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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Step By Step -- Isaiah 9:1-7

While on a short-term mission trip to Honduras a few years ago, I discovered how important it is to walk with a light. Having left my lantern back at the compound, I found myself gingerly picking my way back from dinner and evening devotions in total darkness. Forced to choreograph each step cautiously, it became a matter of life and death. The unfamiliar path, peppered with stones and unexpected dips in the terrain, contributed to my mounting fear. Moving forward was dangerous without proper illumination.

I discovered what it is like to walk in total darkness, without any light to spread along the path before me. It is inevitable I will stumble, fall or at the very least stub my toes.

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned. (Isaiah 9:2 NIV)

This experience reminded me of the many years that I did walk in darkness. I needed much more than a flashlight to show me where I needed to step next. Once I began walking with the light of Jesus to guide me, I could never imagine moving forward any other way.

Read the entire Scripture text at Biblegateway Isaiah 9:1-7 

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Light of the Gospel -- 2 Corinthians 4:1-6

The message of Christ is He died to pay for our sins and put everyone who believes or trusts in Him in a right relationship with God. Those who come to God through Him will be saved and receive eternal life.

The knowledge of the glory of God comes through knowing Jesus Christ. God will shine into our lives as we get to know Him by knowing His Son. Where can we get to know Jesus? When we read the written Word of God we set our eyes on Jesus and His earthly ministry.

Jesus is the Light of the Gospel. He came as our Savior to rescue us from the darkness of sin.

You have the Light in your heart. Don't hide it. Share the 'good news' that others will know Jesus, the Light of the world. And by knowing Jesus they will come to know God, our loving Father.

Prayer: Loving God, I praise and thank you for showing Your great love for me by sending Your Son, Jesus, to rescue me from my sinful self. I pray the Light that is in my heart will shine through me to others who need to know You. Amen

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Monday, June 21, 2010

Our Illuming Word, Genesis 1:1-5

Words are powerful. They can heal and hurt. Words can make us laugh, by the images they create, when delivered with the right timing and emphasis. My three year old is learning the power of words, He knows that if I put him in time-out and he says, “Evan needs a hug” it tears me up inside.

God used words to create the world and everything in it. He could have just thought everything into being, but he didn’t. God spoke, and the very first thing he created was light. Darkness is scary. Things hide in darkness. Little children fear darkness way before they understand the dangers of it.

God separated light from darkness and saw that the light was good. Light takes away the power darkness holds by illuminating all the hiding places where evil lurks. Light shows us how to stay on the safe path.

We see, with the very first words of scripture, foreshadowing our salvation before sin was even in the picture. Jesus is both the Word of God and our Light in darkness. The answers to life are all right there in Genesis 1. Believe God’s Word, and follow the Light of the World because the Light is good.

Read todays passage on Biblegateway Genesis 1:1-5

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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Pray for Strangers -- Colossians 1:1-14

“Please pray for my friend, Betty, who is struggling with cancer,” said Ann. “She is a Christian and she is in so much pain.” I never met Betty, but I knew that I could pray for her. It does not matter if I have never come face to face with Betty; there is power in intercessory prayer. Christians are encouraged to pray for one another, even when they’ve never met.

To the holy and faithful brothers in Christ at Colosse: Grace and peace to you from God our Father. We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all the saints—(Colossians 1:2-4 NIV)

Paul didn’t know the Christians of the Colossian churches, but he prayed for them regularly. It has been said that once we pray with or for someone we are no longer strangers. Max Lucado wrote in his book God Came Near “It is man who creates the distance. It is Jesus who builds the bridge.” Prayer is that bridge.

Who could you pray for that you have never met: a government official, a hungry child in another county, the family member of a close friend? You never know, someone may be praying for you whom you have never met. Prayer is powerful

Read the entire scripture for today at Biblegateway in Colossians 1:1-14

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Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Mystery -- John 3:1-15

Flip a switch and we have the power we need to turn on a light, wash the dishes or vacuum the floor. We don't need to understand how electricity works. It's enough to know turning it on will help us accomplish many things.

Nicodemus didn't understand and wanted to know, "What are you [Jesus] saying with this 'born-from-above' talk?" (John 3:4 The Message)

There is a mystery to being born again by the Spirit. God's Spirit changes us and makes us new. We become more aware of God working in our lives guiding and directing, molding and making us the person He is calling us to be.

Jesus told Nicodemus being born of the Spirit is like the wind. We can't control it, know where it comes from, or where it is going. We just know it's there.

This tells me I have to be willing to admit and accept I don't know how the Spirit works. I have to humbly open my heart and mind to being changed. I have to believe, trust, and expect God's Spirit to make me a new person. Apart from His grace and Spirit I cannot be "born-from-above."

Prayer: Lord help me see and remove the obstacles in my life that block the work of your Spirit in my life. Strengthen my faith so I may allow Your Spirit to change me into the person you need me to be. Amen

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Friday, June 18, 2010

Snap, Crackle, Pop! Romans 8:1-11

Do your joints creak and crack? When I first get out of bed in the morning, I walk like I ran a marathon the day before. My ankles are stiff and hurt from all the sports I played when I was younger. My husband laughs at me, but he is not much better after his three knee surgeries. Between the two of us we laugh our way through the popping joints.

Reading our scripture passage for today, I am encouraged that one day I’ll have a new body. 2 Corinthians 5:2, 4 calls our earthly body a tent and when we get to heaven we will have a heavenly dwelling. Romans 8:23 says we will receive the redemption of our bodies. That will be so nice. I might miss the chuckles my husband and I share, but I’m sure I won’t miss how aging has taken its toll.

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for how you love us completely. You didn’t just stop with, sharing Heaven with us. You'll even give us perfect bodies with which we can spend eternity in. You are amazing. Help me remember each day as my body groans at me, that this is only temporary. Amen

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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Now What? -- Acts 2:37-41

What shall we do now? How many times do we realize too late, what we did was so wrong? How many times do we wake up and experience remorse over yesterday? We can only imagine what it must have been like for the people of Israel as they heard Peter tell the truth.

"Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ." When the people heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, "Brothers, what shall we do?" (Acts 2:36-37NIV)

We can’t undo the past, can’t un-ring the bell. Once something has been done we must live with the consequences, it can’t be undone. But we can change, we can repent, we can turn from our sinful ways and turn to God.

When we feel regret and ask the question, “What should we do now?” the answer has been provided by Jesus. He has given us a way out of our sin and regret. He loves, forgives and encourages us to repent and move forward. Forgiveness is there for the taking. Jesus provided this gift to us so that we no longer have to ask the question, “What shall we do now?”

Read the entire text for today at Biblegateway Acts 2:37-41

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Team Unity-- Luke 4:14-21

In Junior High I played volleyball. We had a good team and a good coach, but struggled the entire season to play as a united body. We had some good moments and some bad moments, but never any great moments. That was, until the final tournament.

Like something out of the movies, we arrived as the underdog. Our last chance to play together, we were determined to have fun. Game after game we came out the victor. Everything clicked; all the bumps and sets hit their mark, each spike driven to the ground with confidence and power. We, of course, won the entire tournament. We were a different team. We played as one, from the coach to the last person on the bench. It was a united effort.

We see Jesus in our scripture today, filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. As he teaches in the synagogues everyone is praising Him. He is about to go to his home town and proclaim He is the Messiah sent by God. This will not be expected or received well, so he cannot go alone. He must be united with the Father through the Spirit.

We too have been created for a purpose and we cannot do it alone. God calls us to be connected to Him through the Holy Spirit. No matter our mission in life we all have the same opportunity to be filled with the Spirit and united in the power of God.

Read the entire passage on biblegateway, Luke 4:14-21

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Monday, June 14, 2010

No Escape -- Psalms 139:1-12

I can recall a few childhood antics I would never want to be convicted of, a few stupid plans I would not want to be associated with now, as an adult. It is even more convicting to realize that God knows it all; God knew it all before I even contrived the plan. As a rebellious teen I felt hemmed in, stifled, and over-protected. Now, as an adult, I realize while I did pull a few things over on my parents, I never out smarted God.

The Psalmist, David writes, “I'm an open book to you; even from a distance, you know what I'm thinking. You know when I leave and when I get back; I'm never out of your sight. You know everything I'm going to say before I start the first sentence.”(Ps 139:2-4) These words are a comfort to me. As I grow in wisdom and in years I feel God’s presence in my life and don’t look at it as intrusive or confining but as loving.

Approaching each day with the understanding God knows every thought I have keeps me humble. Understanding He sees every move I make keeps me focused. Knowing He forgives me all my sins keeps me going.   I can't escape Him and I don't want to.

Read the entire text for today at Biblegateway and Psalms 139:1-12

Your comments are welcome and encouraged below.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Are You Listening? -- John 16:5-16

Have you ever had a newscaster start to tell a story of interest, then stop, and not continue the story until after many commercial breaks? They can't tell the story now, but they have gotten your attention and curiosity. You have to wait. If you have experienced this small frustration, imagine the frustration the disciples might have felt at verse 12 where Jesus says: "I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear."

Jesus had the disciples' attention. I'm sure they must have been filled with anticipation. What more was Jesus going to tell them? Their curiosity was provoked. It seems Jesus did this as He wanted them to wait eagerly, ready to listen intently when the Holy Spirit came.

Time for listening is difficult amidst the demands and noisiness of daily life. I have found in my faith life that finding time for listening is essential. The Spirit of God will come alongside me and guide me through life. If I'm not listening I will miss what is good for me to hear.

Prayer: Lord God, I'm listening. I want to take time to hear You. Help me quiet my heart, sit back, close my mouth and open my ears so I might hear what you want me to know.

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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tick- Tock, Tick- Tock

My three year old cracks me up! He is becoming so independent and pushes limits all the time. He has recently found out that he does not have to listen to me. He has also learned that he does not like the sting of consequences too much. He is learning and I just love it.

A new development for him is the boundary of time. He often tries to negotiate with me. When I say it is time to leave a park, go to bed, or take a bath, I give him a warning of "five more minutes." He has come to like this phrase because it means he can play for a bit longer, yet he doesn't fully grasp the concept. For example, if I give him a ten minute warning he counters with, "No, momma five minutes" thinking he is negotiating more time. What a hoot!

In Second Peter we read that: "With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. "

Our Lord fully comprehends time-- He just doesn't count it like we do. Thank heavens for that! I am grateful for the fact that when God is calling someone to him and they say, "Five more minutes," God often says, "I'll wait ten."

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Friday, June 11, 2010

Promises, Promises -- Matthew 28:1-10

Who hasn’t been disappointed by a broken promise? We may even be the culprit who fell back on a pledge, who did not follow through with a commitment.

A business owner who has no respect for his client’s time will keep them waiting long past the scheduled appointment. His word is not dependable, and he soon earns a reputation which reflects this behavior.

The scripture lesson in Matthew 28:1-10 is all about promises, Jesus’ promise to his disciples and to us. Jesus promised to return, to rise on the third day. Jesus keeps his promises whether I believe it or not. When He says, “I will…” we can count on it to be so.

Jesus met the women Mary, and the other Mary, as they left the tomb, and instructed them to tell the disciples to meet Him in Galilee. He promised He would be there. They could depend on it, as unreasonable as it was to think Jesus, who just died, would meet up with them in Galilee, He promised, and he is in the business of fulfilling promises.

This is still true today. We read in Scripture Jesus is with us, He loves us, He forgives us and his death brings us salvation. These are promises we can take to the bank. Praise God!

Read the entire text at Biblegateway – Matthew 28:1-10

We encourage you to share your thoughts and comments with us.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Christ, The Solid Rock -- 1 Peter 3:18-22

As I was reading today's text, I heard the chorus of one of my favorite hymns, "On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; all other ground is sinking sand." The song is always uplifting and encouraging.

We may encounter many things during our day which cause us to be in "sinking sand." When things seem to overwhelm, our wonderful hope for standing and walking through it is in Christ. We are never alone when we proclaim Christ as our Savior.

Peter's words tell of the hope that comes from building a life in Christ. We are reminded that Jesus is risen. He has declared victory over the evil spirits that exploit our sins and try to come between God and us. When we commit ourselves to Him, Jesus saves us through baptism.

Only Christ is the true solid Rock on which we can stand! "[Our] hope is built on nothing less."

Prayer: Mighty God, I praise You, for You are my Rock. Thank You for being with me during difficult times. Help me remember to turn to You first, instead of waiting until I am overwhelmed. Strengthen my faith so I may constantly be aware of Your loving presence. Amen

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Who Killed Jesus? Matthew 27:32-50

Reading today’s scripture I am reminded of a scene in Mel Gibson's movie, The Passion Of The Christ. Right before Jesus is crucified, after he carried his own cross to the place of his death, the scene shows a resolute Messiah. Jesus, beaten and exhausted, after falling down one final time, crawls to the cross. He is determined to die for our sins.

In Matthew 27 one phrase stands out to me. As spectators surround the cross and mock Jesus, someone says, "You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself! Come down from the cross, if you are the Son of God!"

Those who were mocking Christ spoke the truth and didn’t even know it, “You who are going to destroy the temple….” For centuries people have discussed the question, "Who killed Jesus?" Was it the Jews? Romans? Maybe it was me. Was it my sin that killed him?

We need to understand, Jesus was not killed. Yes, he died, but he laid down his life. He would have swung the hammer himself in order to save humanity from Hell. He destroyed the temple. He did it for you and for me. He endured pain, humiliation, and a criminal’s death so we could spend eternity with him forever.

Jesus was crucified, died and buried… but that’s not the end of the story.
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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Mob Mentality - Matthew 27:24-31

Have you ever been caught up in the crowd; gone with the flow because at the time it seemed the right thing to do? For example, you really aren’t a sports fan but you have been invited to a popular sporting event. While in the crowd with your friends watching the exciting game, you get wrapped up in the fervor. You jump up and cheer even though you have no idea what just happened.

Our scripture today is an example of the power of untamed emotions. “When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere and that a riot was imminent, he took a basin of water and washed his hands in full sight of the crowd, saying, "I'm washing my hands of responsibility for this man's death. From now on, it's in your hands. You're judge and jury." (Matthew 27:24 MSG)

I know with these words, Pilate sentenced Jesus to the mob.  I know too that He was willing to be taken by the crowd so that Scripture might be fulfilled and we might be saved.  Wow, I can barely understand this type of love.  Thank you Jesus, that you love us so much.  Amen.

Read the entire scripture text at Biblegateway Matthew 27:24-31

Monday, June 7, 2010

Faith Checkup -- Matthew 1:18-25

Mary Had to know her surrender to God's plan would be a huge sacrifice. At the least, she could be shamed as an unwed mother. Joseph could divorce her, or worse have her stoned to death.

Joseph considered quietly divorcing Mary as a way out and also to protect her. But Joseph listened to God's plan. He married Mary.

Joseph and Mary probably didn't consider or even imagine the extent of their personal or their son's future suffering. The strength of their faith caused them both to submit to God's plan without question.

Today's text prompts me to take a pause to see if my faith is in step with where it should be. It's like spring cleaning. What needs to be sorted out, thrown away, or dusted off? What needs to be saved, protected, and cherished? What will bring me closer to God and His plan for my life?

Prayer: Lord God, I thank You and Praise You for the many blessings You have given me. Forgive me for the times I have ignored what You want me to do. Forgive me for the times I have gotten so overwhelmed with things and have forgotten Your presence. Give me wisdom and direction to reevaluate my priorities to honor You with my time. Amen

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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Two Of A Kind, John 5: 16-29

Do you remember your best friend growing up? My best friend and I were inseparable. Our relationship confused people. You see, with me being a girl and my best friend a guy, people assumed our relationship was something it wasn’t. Even close friends thought we were really secretly dating.

I remember walking to my locker one day, unaware of my friend’s location, when the football coach saw me and said, “Yup, I knew you couldn’t be too far off.” (He thought I distracted his star quarterback.) When I got to my locker, my friend stood there waiting for me.

In our passage we see people are confused and some even angry with Jesus and his relationship with the Father. He explains how they are inseparable. "I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does.” Unlike me and my friend, Jesus and the Father truly can’t act without the other being aware.  Isn't it comforting to know that when we know Jesus we also know the Father?

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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Great Prayers -- Matthew 6:7-14

A number of years ago I attended a Thanksgiving eve service. The pastor invited the congregation to lift up prayers of thankfulness. There was an uncomfortable silence for a number of minutes before a tiny voice from somewhere in the back said, “Thank you for my Sunday School teacher, Mrs. Webb.” That quiet and humble prayer gave others the courage to voice their prayers. Obviously this boy had a relationship with God and he knew God was listening. The boy knew he only had to say a few words and God would understand. The child did not feel the need to give any verbose details, just a simple thank you.

This story reminds me how Jesus wants me to talk to Him, to pray to Him, all day long. He wants me to build my relationship with Him by conversing with Him, using my own simple words. My obedient behavior tells God I trust Him.

The words written in the Message translation reveal the prayer of the young boy was right on. “The world is full of so-called prayer warriors who are prayer-ignorant. They're full of formulas and programs and advice, peddling techniques for getting what you want from God. Don't fall for that nonsense. This is your Father you are dealing with, and he knows better than you what you need. With a God like this loving you, you can pray very simply.” Matthew 6:7-8 (Message)

Read the entire Scripture in Matthew 6:7-14 at Biblegateway.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Loving Father -- Romans 8:12-17

As I was reading today's text, the words, "God is love," kept coming into my thoughts. Everything God does is out of love.

The enormity of God's love for His children is beyond understanding. God gave His only Son to die on a cross, take on my sins, and allow me to be His child.

As God's child my desire is to please Him by living according to His terms, not my own. That is hard, but I know I can call upon God for help. His Spirit gives me strength and power to help me rise above my temptations, difficulties, hurts, fears, and distractions. He is patient, forgiving, all about loving me, and saving me from my sinful self.

It doesn't matter what experiences describe an earthly father. God is greater than all of them.

I believe, trust, and look forward to receiving an unbelievable inheritance as God's child!

Prayer: Father God, thank You for embracing me as Your child. Thank You for all You have done for me in my life. I look forward, with great joy, to the blessings and glorious possibilities yet to come. Amen

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Read today's text on Biblegateway, Romans 8:12-17

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Hold On For Dear Life, John 20:11-18

This past December my husband and I took a much needed vacation. We went on a four day cruise, while my mom flew to our home to watch our three year old, Evan. This was the first time I was away from Evan for more than a day. As much as I needed and enjoyed the time with my husband, I have to admit when I came home I held on to my son extra tight.

In our passage today we have Mary seeing the risen Lord and crying out “teacher!” This is notable since a rabbi back then would not have spent time teaching women. We see a special relationship between Jesus and this woman. But I like the next verse, Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me…” I can just see it. Mary is hugging her Savior. After thinking Jesus was dead I’m sure she held on extra tight, not wanting to be separated from him again.

I want that relationship with Jesus. I want to cling to him and his word every day. I will hold on tight so nothing can steal Him from me.

Read today scripture on Biblegateway John 20:11-18

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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Batter Up -- Acts 17:22-31

A few years ago I had a supervisor who would use baseball analogies when making a point. He would use phrases such as ‘hitting one out of the park,’ when praising someone’s brilliant idea. He would talk about ‘covering all the bases,’ emphasizing the need to think things through when planning a new venture. Later, when meeting with him to discuss the success or failure of a certain project, he would help me see where I ‘struck out,’ or celebrate with me when I would ‘hit a home run’.

I was reminded of this type of teaching style when reading the story in Acts 17:22-23. “Paul then stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said: "Men of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious. For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: TO AN UNKNOWN GOD. This story reminded me about the phrase ‘covering all the bases’. The people of Athens did not want to miss a god they should be recognizing, so they created an altar to an unknown deity, just to be sure.

Dear God, I am praising you for revealing yourself to me; for sending your son, Jesus, as a redeemer to the world. I pray, Father, that you show me how to help someone else recognize you as God. Amen.

Read the Scripture text for today at Biblegateway

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Questions -- Isaiah 40:21-31

Reading today's text my eyes fell on, "Do you know? Have you not heard?' The questions are repeated twice so Isaiah has my attention.

Isaiah's words are describing God Almighty. God is everlasting. He is the Creator of all the earth. He never grows tired. His understanding is far beyond ours to comprehend. He gives strength when we are tired and increases His power within us when we are weak.

Hoping and trusting in the Lord God will renew our strength. He will help us soar far above our fears, difficulties, hurts, and distractions.

I find it comforting to know there is Someone greater than me who cares and thinks of me. I can call on Him when I need strength and peace to keep going. God has no limits, except the limits I sometimes put on Him, making Him less mighty than He is.

As I read Isaiah's words several times my heart is renewed and I am grateful for an Almighty God.

"Do you know [who God is]? Have you not heard [what God can do]?" Do you have a clearer picture?

Prayer: Lord God, You are awesome and wonderful. I praise You for there is none like You. You are able to do all things and by Your power all things are created. You are almighty. I am thankful for Your kindness, mercy and love. Amen

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